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                 Parents Code of Ethics
  • Make sure that your child has a positive sports experience.
  • Have your child at all practices and games on time;
  • Notify coach if they cannot attend. The coach will understand.
  • Help Practice/study the game with your child at home(help study coaches hand-outs as well)
  • Commit to learn the basics of the game. (ask question coaches will help you understand)
  • Come to games as often as I can and bring others to support your child, your child team and the program.
  • Take the time and talk with your child about their experiences.
  • Cheer positively. Do not use profanity or antagonistically address any particular individuals directly (i.e. officials, coaches, players, opposing teams, fans, etc.) be a good sport.
  • Allow the coach to coach and support the coach during discussions with your child.
  • Let the officials officiate the game. Keep in mind that they are attempting to be as fair as possible and their knowledge of and interpretations of the rules may differ from yours.
  • If you have issues or concerns or just want to ask a question, address the coach at the appropriate time.
  • Compliment and support your child. The more positive reinforcement, the more the likelihood of their enjoyment and success.
  • Be mindful that our games are not at the professional, college, or even the high school level; it is a game that should be fun. The children are still in the early learning Stages.
  • Winning is an important part of the game, but winning is not everything. Teach your child that even a loss has its victories.
  • Please keep in mind and stress to your child that his/her commitment to the team is exactly that a COMMITMENT. When he/she does not feel like participating; they are still obligated to their teammates and the team.
  • We all understand that with any commitment there are many sacrifices, especially with the time commitment, however; the life lessons learned far outweigh the sacrifices.
  • Allow them to grow, make friends, and become the best athletes that they can be.
  • Remember this is our children’s game- it’s all about them. Let them shine.
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