Uniform policy agreement
Dear parents, players and or cheerleaders
Thank you for joining the Shamokin Wild Tiger’s organization our aim is to be a quality team
yet functioning organization. Shamokin Wild Tigers will supply the players and or cheerleaders the
uniform sets deemed necessary to participate in the upcoming season. All uniforms are the sole
property of the Shamokin Wild Tiger’s organization. And shall be cared for, treated with respect and
worn with pride.
Proper care is important for both safety and to assure that your equipment is ready to use at
any time they are ready to participate. It will be the athlete and their family who will be responsible to
periodically inspect all of the equipment before they put it on and notify coaches, equipment managers
if there are any issues or the equipment is not in perfect working order.
At end of season all equipment is required to be returned the week following the last scheduled
game. The dates for return will be the same as a regular scheduled practices week, Tuesday,
Wednesday, and or Thursday from 5:30 to 8:00pm. If your child or participate shall quit in the middle of
season all equipment must be returned within a week after quitting. There will be a replacement cost
for losing or damage to uniforms beyond normal wear and tear. If any of the uniform set is lost or
damaged, a check for replacement value of the item(s) must be made to Shamokin Wild Tigers. Lost
and or damaged equipment should be reported as soon as possible so that replacement equipment can
be purchased. You could be subject to a fee up to $300 dollars for entire football uniform. And an $80
dollar fee for cheerleading uniform.
Failure to return any of the items or pay for the replacement value shall result in the Shamokin
Wild Tigers organization reporting that player or cheerleader to league officers and seeking charges via the
Shamokin city police department. Individuals reported to league officers are placed in “Bad Standings”
and this will preclude that player from playing for any other team registered within the Shamokin coal
township youth football league for the following year until either returning the uniform sets and or
reimbursing the Shamokin grey wild-tigers for the missing/ Damaged item(s)
Proper equipment maintenance:
ï‚· Game uniforms shall be washed once a week and every week during the football season.
ï‚· Practice uniforms shall be washed at least one a week to maintain good hygiene.
ï‚· Shoulder pads and helmets shall be wiped down every few day during practice and
cleaned before games. With a Clorox wipes.
ï‚· Damaged equipment should be reported.
ï‚· Equipment shall be used properly and in a way they were designed to be used.
ï‚· All equipment shall be cared for in same manner before returning of equipment at end
of season.
ï‚· A cleaning charge of $25 may be implanted on participates if proper care of equipment
is not maintained throughout season.
ï‚· These uniforms are strictly used for practice and games only, and shall not be used for
leisure wear.
ï‚· Game uniforms are not to be worn during practices.
ï‚· Alterations are not permitted to any part of the uniform set.